Fig. S4
(A) Time-lapse confocal images showing DFC migration in wild-type and cxcr4a um20 mutant embryos on a Tg(sox17: GFP) background from 75%?90% epiboly stages. Scale bar, 50 ?m. (B) Sox17 expression was examined by in situ hybridization in wild-type and cxcr4a um20 mutants at the 75% epiboly stage. (C?D) Wild-type and cxcr4a-deficient Tg(sox17: GFP) embryos were harvested at the 10-somite stage for immunostaining. KV cells were labeled using an antibody against GFP. Expression of the basal?lateral marker E-cadherin (C) and the apical marker aPKC (D) were visualized using the indicated antibodies. Scale bar, 20 ?m. aPKC, atypical protein kinase; DFC, dorsal forerunner cell; GFP, green fluorescent protein; KV, Kupffer?s vesicle; sox, SRY-box transcription factor; Tg, transgene. |