Fig. 6

Ferguson et al., 2019 - The catalytic activity and secretion of zebrafish RNases are essential for their in vivo function in motor neurons and vasculature
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Fig. 6

Vascular defects in zebrafish embryos treated with NCI-65828 and terrein. Immunostaining for GFP in Fli:GFP zebrafish treated with terrein or NCI-65828 from 10hpf (A) shows retarded inter-somitic vessel formation (ISV) at 27 hpf (B) which then recover by 36hpf after NCI-65828 and 20 µM terrein where they span somites from the dorsal aorta (DA) to the dorsal longitudinal anastomotic vessel (DLAV) but not with 30 µM terrein which remain significantly shorter. At 27 hpf over 80% of ISV have not progressed past the midline (C). Immunostaining for GFP in Fli:GFP zebrafish treated with terrein or NCI-65828 from 18 hpf (D) show similar but less severe retardation of ISV growth at 27 hpf and no difference in ISV length at 72 hpf (E). Treatment with NCI-65828 and 30 µM terrein results in less branching of the ISV (F) and 30 µM terrein in particular appears to cause aberrant orientations in the branches (D, 72 hpf dotted line). Scale bars 50 µm. Error bars SEM. *P < 0.05. Quantification made of trunk vessels above the yolk sac extension from 10 embryos in two replicate experiments.

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