Fig. 4

Samarut et al., 2018 - γ-Aminobutyric acid receptor alpha 1 subunit loss of function causes genetic generalized epilepsy by impairing inhibitory network neurodevelopment
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Fig. 4

Differential attenuation of seizures by known antiepileptic drugs (AEDs). Five to 6 weeks postfertilization wild?type (+/+, n = 5) or homozygous (?/?, n = 5) fish were incubated overnight with valproic acid (VPA; A), clonazepam (B), levetiracetam (C), or carbamazepine (D). Both steps of the light?triggered seizure were analyzed before and after the treatment using the track of single fish for 3 seconds following light being switched on (left panels), as well as by quantifying the distance swam during the minute following light being turned on (right panels). E, The increased acceleration of 4 days postfertilization (dpf) gabra1?/? embryos was differentially alleviated by the four tested AEDs (n = 22 per assay). F, Stereotyped tracks of 4 dpf untreated gabra1?/? embryos and mutant embryos treated with the four AEDs. All drug treatments were performed overnight with a final concentration of either 50 ?mol/L VPA, 50 ?mol/L clonazepam, 30 mmol/L levetiracetam, or 100 ?mol/L carbamazepine. ns, not significant. *P value <0.05 ... hide

Expression Data

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Observed In:
Stage Range: Day 4 to Days 30-44

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