Fig. S3
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- ZDB-FIG-181206-15
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- Nasr et al., 2018 - Identification and characterization of two zebrafish Twik related potassium channels, Kcnk2a and Kcnk2b
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Kcnk2a and kcnk2b transfection efficiency. (A) Brightfield image of HEK-293T transfected with kcnk2a-PIRES2 GFP. (B) GFP fluorescence image of HEK-293T transfected with kcnk2a-PIRES2 GFP. (C) Merged image of A and B. (D) Brightfield image of HEK-293T transfected with kcnk2b- PIRES2 GFP. (E) GFP fluorescence image of HEK-293T transfected with kcnk2b- PIRES2 GFP. (F) Merged image of D and E. (G) Graph showing the overall transfection efficiency of HEK-293T with either kcnk2a-PIRES2 GFP or kcnk2a- PIRES2 GFP. 8x35mm dishes were plated with 3x105 HEK-293T cells and transfected with either kcnk2a-PIRES2 GFP (4 dishes) or kcnk2a-PIRES2 GFP (4 dishes). 5 non overlapping random wide field images were obtained and the mean transfection efficiency was calculated for each dish. The data in (G) is the average of the combined means. Statistics: Students t test, NS (not significant) p>0,05. |