Fig. 2
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- ZDB-FIG-181002-8
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- Rosch et al., 2018 - Calcium imaging and dynamic causal modelling reveal brain-wide changes in effective connectivity and synaptic dynamics during epileptic seizures
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PTZ-iduced seizures recorded in the zebrafish larvae using light sheet imaging. (A) This image shows heat maps of fluorescence in a single slice of the intact larval zebrafish brain in the xy plane at different time points during the experiment (time points also indicated in Fig 2B). Seizure activity (t2) is visually apparent as an overall increase in neuronal activity compared to baseline state (t1). (B) Regionally averaged time traces of the fluorescence signal across 5 bilateral anatomically defined regions are shown for the whole duration of the experiment in a single animal (150 minutes). Seizures are readily apparent as an inrease in generalised and apparently synchronous high amplitude activity. (C) Average Fourier power spectra across fish and across all brain regions are plotted against time for the duration of the experiment, using a sliding window estimator (length: 60s, step: 10s), with colours indicating log-power. The graph is a the average over n = 3 fish. PTZ causes an increase largely in low frequencies (<2Hz), with intermittent bursts of more broadband activity. (D) A correlation matrix showing correlation indices of the power-distribution patterns across different time points (delay-delay matrix). This reveals three distinct time periods, corresponding to baseline (<30min), ictal (30-70min) and late ictal (>70min) phases with distinct spectral signatures and temporal dynamics. Tect—Tectum, Crbl—Cerebellum, RHbr—Rostral Hindbrain, MHbr—Mid-Hindbrain, CHbr/RSc—Caudal Hindbrain/Rostral Spinal Cord. |