PI3P-positive vesicles are reduced in mutant IECs. a Represent images of transgenic zebrafish expressing the PI3P probe 2xFYVE-GFP under the control of ubiquitin promoter. Sh shield stage. b Cross sections of embryos at 6?8 dpf. PI3P-positive vesicles (arrow) are detectable in WT IECs, while the GFP signal in mutant IECs is weak and diffused. Scale bar, 20?µm. c PI3P-positive vesicles in somitic corss sections. Scale bar, 20?µm. d Quantification of PI3P-positive vesicles in (b, c). Data represent mean?±?SD from three biological repeats (NS, non-significant; *p?<?0.05; ****p?<?0.0001 in one-way ANOVA with Tukey?s multiple comparison)