Fig. 3
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- ZDB-FIG-180727-26
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- Keskin et al., 2018 - Noise in the Vertebrate Segmentation Clock Is Boosted by Time Delays but Tamed by Notch Signaling
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Notch Signaling Tames Extrinsic Noise (A) Cartoon model for Notch-mediated cell-to-cell coupling. Her dimers repress transcription of her-family genes and deltaC. DeltaC (and DeltaD) are membrane-bound ligands (green) that bind and activate Notch (orange) receptor in neighboring cells. Intracellular cleaved domain of Notch (NICD) activates transcriptions of her-family genes. (B) Total RNA amplitudes decreased in deltaC−/− (green) and deltaD−/− (red) mutants compared to wild-type embryos (purple) and in DAPT-treated embryos (blue) compared to DMSO-treated control embryos (pink) (p < 0.001). (C and D) Extrinsic noise (C) increased in deltaC−/− (green) and deltaD−/− (red) mutants compared to wild-type embryos (purple) (p < 0.001 in both lower and higher groups). Intrinsic noise levels (D) are shown in deltaC−/− (green) and deltaD−/− (red) mutants and wild-type embryos (purple). x axis is mean levels of total her (her1 + her7) RNA in grouped slices. Clock transcription decreased in notch mutants. Therefore, slices could only be grouped for the lower expression bins compared to wild-type data. (E and F) A single z-section of a smFISH picture for her7 mRNA (red) in DMSO-treated embryos (as a control, E) and DAPT-treated embryos (F). The stripy expression pattern of her7 mRNA is not disrupted after 1.5 hr DAPT treatment (F). Scale bars mark 30 μm. (G and H) Extrinsic (G) and intrinsic (H) noise levels in DAPT-treated embryos (blue) and DMSO-treated control embryos (pink). Error bars indicate 2 SEs. See also Figure S3. |