Fig. 3

Zeng et al., 2017 - Identify a Blood-Brain Barrier Penetrating Drug-TNB using Zebrafish Orthotopic Glioblastoma Xenograft Model
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Fig. 3

Active interaction between GBM xenografts and cerebral capillaries. (A,B) U87-GFP xenografts induced angiogenesis from neighboring host vessel within the tumor xenograft at 5dpi, area in dotted box was magnified in B, and arrow indicating the endothelial sprouts. (CG) Tumor induced angiogenesis (F,G) and infiltrative tumor growth (D,E) of U251-GFP xenografts at 5dpi were detected in the zebrafish brain. (H) Representative image showing the 5dpi zebrafish brain with 293-GFP cells (arrow)(200–500 293-GFP cells were implanted into the brain of 3dpf zebrafish); implanted 293-GFP cells failed to survive in the brain parenchyma and cerebral capillaries were not affected by 293-GFP cells. (I) Immunostaining of U87 xenograft in zebrafish brain indicating the implanted tumor cells were proliferating (ki67+), arrowheads indicating the GFP+/ki67+ tumor cells in the xenograft in zebrafish.

Expression Data
Anatomical Term:
Stage: Days 7-13

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Antibody Labeling
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