Fig. S1
- ID
- ZDB-FIG-180201-12
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- Daly et al., 2017 - A Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Mimetic Is Sufficient to Restore Cone Photoreceptor Visual Function in an Inherited Blindness Model
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Expression pattern of atp6v0e1 in wholemount and retinal sections of wildtype zebrafish larvae. (a-h) In situ hybridisation was carried out on 3 and 5 dpf wildtype larvae using antisense RNA probes to atp6v0e1 (n=3 for sense and antisense at each timepoint). In wholemount larvae (a-d), expression was detected in the brain and on the skin. At 3 and 5 dpf, expression is detected in the pectoral fins. The strongest expression levels were in the branchial arches at all timepoints (a,c). (e-h) 12 µm sections cut through the eyes of stained larvae revealed that expression was restricted to the dorsal RPE at 3 and 5 dpf (e,g), with higher expression levels at 3 dpf. (i) Agarose gel image for RT-PCR of atp6v0e1 and tcerg1, another candidate gene at the dye genetic locus. Expression of atp6v0e1 mRNA is absent in dye, N=50 (number of larvae per replicate), n=3 (number of replicates). |