Fig. 5
Overexpression of CA-Stmn4 induced precocious expression of elavl3 in neuronal precursor cells during neural keel stage. Time-lapse movies were conducted 6 minute per frame around the neural keel stage (13 hpf) after heat shock (6-somite stage). During neurulation (b), neural progenitor cells converge and migrate to the dorsal midline to establish neural rod (16 hpf) from a flattened neural plate (bud stage). Here, microtubules are revealed by doublecortin-GFP fusion protein (DCX-GFP, green, indicates thread-like microtubules structure depicting the cell shape). HuC:Kaede (green) expresses within cytoplasm. Compared to control embryo (c–g), more cells with elavl3 expression (arrows) and more apoptotic cells (arrowheads) appeared in embryo overexpressing CA-Stmn4 (mCherry, red) during the neural keel stage (h–l), characterized by a disorganized and thickening tissue (b). Corresponding time points are shown on the upper-right corner. Boundaries of neural tissues are disclosed by a pair of dash lines. All snapshots shown in dorsal side and anterior to the left. Scale bars equal 25 μm for all. |