Fig. 4

Barske et al., 2016 - Competition between Jagged-Notch and Endothelin1 Signaling Selectively Restricts Cartilage Formation in the Zebrafish Upper Face
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Fig. 4

Loss of barx1 rescues some features of the jag1b skeletal phenotype.

(A, B) Alcian staining of dissected jag1b mutant larval facial cartilages derived from the first and second arches show malformation of the posterior Pq (1), reduction of the anterior Hm (2), and a shift of the posterior Hm (3) such that it abuts the ventral Ch cartilage. (C) In barx1 mutants, the ventral M and Ch cartilages are reduced (asterisks). (D) In jag1b; barx1 mutants, the Pq truncation (1) and posterior Hm shift (3) are variably rescued, yet loss of the anterior Hm (2) becomes more penetrant. Scale bar = 100 ?m. (E) Proportions of mutant larvae exhibiting the indicated phenotypes. None of these skeletal defects were observed in controls or barx1 mutants. For each phenotype, differences between the genotype groups were significant by Chi-Square test at p < 0.0001 (asterisks).

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Stage: Day 5

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