Fig. S4
Effects of morpholino knockdown of P54a and P54b RNA helicases in the expression of some markers for zebrafish development. Whole-mount in situ hybridization of WT or morpholino micro-injected 24 hpf zebrafish embryos. (A, E, I, M and Q) show WT embryos. (B, F, J, N and R) Embryos micro-injected with 15 ng of MO-P54a. (C, G, K, O and S) Embryos micro-injected with 9 ng of MO-P54b. (D, H, L, P and T) Embryos micro-injected with a mix of 15 ng of MO-P54a and 9 ng of MO-P54b. Abbreviations: p54a morpholino (MO-P54a), p54b morpholino (MO-P54b), mix of p54a and p54b morpholinos (MO-P54ab), “in situ” hybridization (ISH), early growth response 2a (krox20), bone morphogenetic protein 4 (bmp4), noggin 1 (nog1), floating head or notochord homeobox (flh) and no tail or brachyury homolog (ntl). |