Fig. 4
- ID
- ZDB-FIG-161116-4
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- Rebman et al., 2016 - Cadherin-2 Is Required Cell Autonomously for Collective Migration of Facial Branchiomotor Neurons
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Cadherin-2 is required for collective migration of FBMNs. (A-C) Confocal images showing dorsal views of Tg(isl1:GFP) embryos at 38 hpf injected with plasmids driving expression of mCherry alone or Cdh2ΔEC-mCherry mosaically in CBMNs. Embryos are labeled with α-GFP (green) and α-mCherry (red). Expression of mCherry alone has no effect on the caudal migration of FBMNs. (D-F) In contrast, FBMNs expressing Cdh2ΔEC-mCherry do not migrate caudally even though neighboring wild-type FBMNs that do not express the transgene migrate appropriately towards r6. (G) Quantitation of the percent of mCherry- or Cdh2ΔEC-mCherry-expressing FBMNs that failed to migrate (r4), migrated partially (r5), or migrated fully (r6). Each histogram corresponds to the condition in the image to its left and numbers indicate the number of FBMNs counted. White asterisk denotes PLL efferent neurons, which differ from r4-derived FBMN populations. |