Fig. S6
- ID
- ZDB-FIG-160818-47
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- Zhang et al., 2016 - Eph-ephrin signaling maintains the boundary of dorsal forerunner cell cluster during morphogenesis of the zebrafish embryonic left-right organizer
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DFCs involute or migrate away from the original cluster in ephb4b mutants. Embryos derived from crosses of ephb4b+/-;Tg(sox17:GFP) fish were injected with CAAX-mCherry mRNA at the one-cell stage to label cell membrane and observed by confocal microscopy from 60% ES to about 80% ES. At the end of observation, each embryo was genotyped. (A) Time-lapse dynamic observation of DFCs (green) in a WT sibling embryo in a time window indicated. Upper, multi-focal plane image series in dorsal view; lower, 3-D reconstituted image series in lateral view (same for (B) and (C)). The interface between DFCs and axial mesodermal precursors was indicated by an arrowhead. (B) Time-lapse dynamic observation of DFCs in a mutant embryo. The arrowhead indicated an involuting DFC. (C) Time-lapse dynamic observation of DFCs in a mutant embryo showing run-away and involution of DFCs. Three recognizable DFCs (d1-d3) and one axial mesodermal precursor were labeled if possible. Note that the cell m1 could not be recognized in the shown multi-focal and 3-D images. The cells d1 and d2 was eventually separated by m1. Also see Movie S3 and S4. |