Fig. 4
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- ZDB-FIG-160630-19
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- Soulika et al., 2016 - Diversity in cell motility reveals the dynamic nature of the formation of zebrafish taste sensory organs
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Developing tg(fgf8a.dr17:gfp) cells can be displaced between neighboring forming taste buds. (A-O) Snapshots of Movie 2 with time-lapse started at approximately 65hpf. Top of frame shows developing taste bud composed of tg(fgf8a.dr17:gfp) and tg(tph1b:mCherry) cells. In C-O, bottom of frame, the asterisk marks tg(fgf8a.dr17:gfp) cells forming a taste bud. White arrowheads indicate a single tg(fgf8a.dr17:gfp cell displaced between the two taste buds (A-O); maintained in the upper taste bud (H,I) or joined to the bottom taste bud (M-O). Red arrowhead in O indicates a tg(tph1b:mCherry) cell, obvious after the integration of the displaced tg(fgf8a.dr17:gfp) cell (white arrowhead). Statistics are available in Table 1, Tables S1,S2, Fig. S2A-D, additional data in Appendix S1. (P-U) Snapshots of Movie 3 with time-lapse started at approximately 65hpf. Red asterisk is next to a cell co-expressing tg(fgf8a.dr17:gfp) and tg(tph1b:mCherry). White arrowhead indicates a tg(fgf8a.dr17:gfp) cell maintained within the taste bud for more than 180min (P-S); it quits (T) towards another tg(fgf8a.dr17:gfp) expressing cell (U, green asterisk). Statistics are in Table 1, Tables S1,S2, Fig. S2A-D. Scale bars: 10µm. |