Fig. 7

Biechl et al., 2016 - Eppur Si Muove: Evidence for an External Granular Layer and Possibly Transit Amplification in the Teleostean Cerebellum
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Fig. 7

Confocal live imaging of double-transgenic zebrafish larvae, i.e., Tg(olig2:dsred2)vu19/Tg(2.4shha-ABC-GFP)sb15 specimen, shows temporal development of shh-GFP and olig2-dsRed marked cells from 3 to 14 dpf (A-G). (A-F) Each panel shows two single label and one merged picture, (G) shows two single label pictures, with G′ showing an enlarged overlay (optical section). Note that double labeled cells are restricted to the cerebellar plate and are absent from the midbrain. (H) is taken from a double-transgenic Tg(olig2:EGFP)/Tg(PC:FyntagRFP-T) larval zebrafish specimen at 5 dpf and shows a lateral region in the cerebellar plate. Note that olig2-EGFP expressing eurydendroid cells (green) lie close to PC-tagRFP positive Purkinje cells (red), but are never co-labeled. Note that green eurydendroid cells show dendrites extending into the molecular layer (arrows). (H′) shows an overlay. CeP, cerebellar plate; D, dendritic tree; FP, floor plate; Mes, mesencephalon (midbrain); PC, Purkinje cell body.

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