Fig. 4
Vertebrate kcnk5 homologs and expression in zebrafish development. (A) Due to a whole genome duplication event, teleost fish have two kcnk5 paralogs that show early divergence. Numbers indicate bootstrap values in percentage (100 bootstrap replications). Nodes with a bootstrap value lower than 95 were collapsed. Dre, Danio rerio; Ola, Oryzias latipes; Gac, Gasterosteus aculeatus, Tru, Takifugu rubripes; Tni Tetraodon nigridoviridis, Gmo, Gadus morhua; Mmu, mus musculus; Gga, Gallus gallus; Xtr Xenopus tropicalis. (B) RT-PCR of kcnk5a and kcnk5b shows comparable expression between the two paralogs in multiple adult tissues, including fins. |
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Stage: | Adult |