Fig. S2
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- ZDB-FIG-140808-32
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- Li et al., 2014 - Excessive nitrite affects zebrafish valvulogenesis through yielding too much NO signaling
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Excessive nitrite exposure affected endothelial cell accumulation and differentiation in the AVC at 76 hpf. Nitrite-exposed embryos were treated with 100 mg/l sodium nitrite from 10 hpf. Expression patterns of vmhc in ventricle and amhc in atria of nitrite-exposed embryos were similar to those in control embryos at 36 (A, B; G, H), 48 (C, D; I, J) and 76 hpf (E, F; K, L), respectively. Excessive nitrite exposure did not change the distribution of endothelial cell in the AVC of embryos at 36 hpf (M-N, M2-N2) and 48 hpf (O-P, O2-P2). Compared to control embryos at 76 hpf (Q-S; Q2-S2), 5/8 nitrite-treated embryos had fewer endothelial cells (R, R2) and 14/15 nitrite-exposed embryos lost the expression of Dm-grasp (T, T2), maker of endothelial cell differentiation in AVC, at the same stage. Panel M2-T2 were the magnification of the region outlined by rectangle in Panel M-T, respectively. Heart was outlined by dot-lined curves and the AVC in Panel M2-T2 was outlined by a small rectangle. |