Fig. 5
Subcellular localization and Y2H analyses of wild type and fan mutant Wdr43. (A1–A4) IF images of HeLa cells immunostained with anti-WDR43 (green) and anti-B23 (red) antibodies followed by DAPI stain (blue) to visualize nuclear DNA. IF images of Hela cells transfected with EGFP tagged zebrafish wild type Wdr43 (B1–B4) or fan mutant Wdr43 (C1–C4). Anti-GFP antibody was used to increase the fluorescent signal of EGFP-tagged wild type and fan mutant Wdr43 expressed proteins. Stained cells were counterstained with anti-B23 (red) and DAPI (blue). (D) Y2H analysis of zebrafish full length (FL) Wdr43, truncated fan mutant Wdr43 (N), and Wdr43 C-terminal domain (C) interactions with zebrafish Utp4 and Utp15 proteins. |