Fig. 3
Gal4 inducible expression with UAS:Zebrabow transgenic fish. (A) Top, diagram of the UAS:Zebrabow constructs; bottom, schematic of UAS:Zebrabow expression. (B-D) Trigeminal sensory neurons labeled with UAS:Zebrabow-V and a somatosensory neuron-specific Gal4 driver, s1102t. In the absence of Cre, only RFP is expressed (B). When Cre is provided, six colors are observed in heterozygotes (C) and more than ten colors are observed in the progeny of crosses between heterozygous parents (D). (E,F) Using the s1020t Gal4 line, spinal cord labeling in line V is sparse (E), whereas labeling in line B is significantly broader (F). (G,H) Broad labeling can be achieved by co-injecting Gal4 mRNA and Cre protein. Expression is strong from embryonic stage (G, 24 hpf) to larval stage (H, 3 dpf). Scale bars: 50 μm. |