Fig. S2
- ID
- ZDB-FIG-130425-26
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- Drerup et al., 2013 - JNK-Interacting Protein 3 Mediates the Retrograde Transport of Activated c-Jun N-Terminal Kinase and Lysosomes
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Membrane-bound cargo accumulated in jip3nl7 axon terminals due to failed retrograde transport. (A,B) ssNPY-mCherry (red) accumulated in mutant (arrowheads), but not wildtype axon terminals at 5 dpf. Asterisk indicates portion of the nerve occluded by a pigment cell. The pLL axons were visualized by expression of the neurod:EGFP transgene. (C?F) Representative still images from Videos S2 and S3 and kymographs from transport analysis in 5 dpf larvae. (G) Analysis of anterograde and retrograde ssNPY-mCherry particle movements at 2 dpf revealed a decrease in anterograde and retrograde cargo movement (ANOVA; **-p<0.005). (H, I) Other transport parameters, including distance moved in individual movement bouts and movement velocity, were unchanged in jip3nl7. Scale bars = 10 μm. Number of embryos analyzed is indicated on each bar of the graph. |