Fig. S3
Gdf6a is necessary for maintenance of dorsal retinal fate. In gdf6a mutants, dorsal retinal patterning genes are absent or greatly downregulated at 25 hpf. Ventral genes are expanded to fill the majority of the retinal field. (A-P) Polarized dorsal 25 hpf expression of tbx2a, tbx5a, tbx4, bmp2b, bmp4,ephrinB2a, ephrinB1 and raldh2 in gdf6a siblings is absent in gdf6a mutants or faintly detectable in the case of ephrinB2a (arrowhead in L). (Q-T) Expression of vax2 and ephB2 ventral markers is robustly expanded at 25 hpf in gdf6a mutants to fill most of the retinal field (arrowhead in R marks small portion without vax2 expression). (A-T) Anterior to the left; lateral views. Scale Bar = 50 μm. |
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 371(1), Kruse-Bend, R., Rosenthal, J., Quist, T.S., Veien, E.S., Fuhrmann, S., Dorsky, R.I., and Chien, C.B., Extraocular ectoderm triggers dorsal retinal fate during optic vesicle evagination in zebrafish, 57-65, Copyright (2012) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.