Fig. 5

Kwan et al., 2012 - A complex choreography of cell movements shapes the vertebrate eye
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Fig. 5

Origin and movement of retinal subdomains. (A,D) Positions of tracked NR cells at 12 (A) and 24 (D) hpf. Dorsal views. (B,C) Volume rendering of retinal subdomains (12 hpf): posterior (yellow), central (blue), anterior (orange), dorsal (green) and ventral (red). (B) Dorsal view. (C) Lateral view. (E,F) Volume rendering of retinal subdomains (24 hpf). (E) Dorsal view. (F) Lateral view. (G-L) Retinal subdomain trajectories. Dorsal view. Circles indicate origins; arrowheads indicate termini. (G) Summary. (H-L) Individual subdomains. Insets illustrate typical trajectory shape, except for ventral, which has none. (M-P) Kaede fate mapping. Dorsal views, volume renderings. (M,O) OV at 12 hpf; photoactivated spot, magenta. (N,P) Final position after OCM (24 hpf). (M,N) Central domain. (O,P) Anterior domain. Dashed lines outline OV (12 hpf) and OC (24 hpf). (Q-U2) Central domain merge (14-24 hpf): posterior (yellow), central (blue) and anterior (orange) trajectories. Dorsal views. (Q-U) Trajectories over membrane channel average (grayscale). (Q2-U2) Trajectories alone. nk, neural keel; br, brain; le, lens. Scale bars: 50 μm.

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