Fig. 8

England et al., 2011 - Roles of Hedgehog pathway components and retinoic acid signalling in specifying zebrafish ventral spinal cord neurons
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Fig. 8

Progenitor domain expression at somitogenesis stages. (A-T) Lateral views of WT zebrafish embryos (A-D,Q,S), MZsmo mutants (E-H,R,T) and embryos treated with cyclopamine (cyc) and injected with gli2a, gli3 and p53 MOs (gli2a + 3 KD; I-L) or gli3R RNA (M-P). When gli2a and gli3 were knocked down, nkx2.2b was absent (n=23; I), a small amount of olig2 expression was recovered (n=25; J), and nkx6.1 (n=22; K) and nkx6.2 (n=19; L) expression was much stronger in all injected embryos. When gli3R RNA was injected, all embryos completely lacked nkx2.2b (n=21; M) and olig2 (n=45; N) expression. nxk6.1 expression was lost in 54% of embryos; the remaining embryos had strongly reduced staining (n=28; O). nkx6.2 expression was lost in 8%, strongly reduced in 81%, and less reduced in 11% of injected embryos (n=26; P). Scale bar: 50 μm.

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