Fig. 9
ptenb functions non cell-autonomously to regulate the cell protrusions and cell migration during gastrulation. (A-D) Rhodamine labeled blastomeres were transplanted from embryos injected with 10 ng of StdMO (STD) or tMO1 (MO) with rhodamine dextran to untreated hosts (UT) or tMO1 morphant hosts (MO). Host embryos were then imaged (animal pole on the top and vegetal pole at the bottom) under confocal microscopy and representative snapshots are shown in (A) STD>UT: StdMO treated cells in an untreated host. (B) STD>MO: StdMO treated cells in a tMO1 morphant. (C) MO>UT: tMO1 treated cells in an untreated host. (D) MO>MO: tMO1 treated cells in a tMO1 morphant. Arrows indicate the representative cellular protrusions in each embryo. (E) Cell transplantations were performed as described in (A?D), imaged under epifluorescent microscopy and time-lapse movies were taken for each treatment. The transplanted cells were traced and their curvillinear velocity (Vcl) and strait line velocity (Vcl) were calculated and shown. Values between groups with a significant difference (p<0.05) are denoted by different letters. Scale bar: 25 μm. |