Fig. s3
A new myocardium surrounds the post-infarct area during heart regeneration. (A and E) AFOG staining of a consecutive series of transverse sections of a heart at 14 dpci (A) and at 30 dpci (E) from the top of the ventricle (left upper corner) to the ventricular apex (right bottom corner); v, ventricle; va, valve; ba, bulbus arteriosus; a, atrium. (B-D) Higher magnification of selected images shown in (A). The post-infarct zone (dashed line) containing fibrin (red) and collagen (blue) expands from the apex to approximately a half-length of the ventricular wall. New cardiac tissue (orange) begins to surround the post-infarct (arrows). (F-H) Higher magnification of selected images shown in (E). The post-infarct zone (dashed line) is detected only at the level of the artioventricular valves (F), and it is completely replaced by a new myocardium in the apex and the lower part of the ventricle (G and H). (F) A wall of cardiac tissue surrounds the remaining collagenous scar (arrows). |