Fig. 7
The non-stratified periventricular interneuron cell type. (A) Dorsal view of a two-photon image volume containing a single labeled nsPVIN imaged at 5 dpf. Note the long apical neurite extended into the neuropil. (B) Forty-five degree rotation of image volume in (A). Note the absence of any stratification within the arbor. (C) Merged confocal image volume of a single 4 dpf nsPVIN expressing both dsRed (red) and Syp–GFP (green). Arrow depicts orientation of neuropil layers from superficial (S) to deep (D). (D) 2.5× magnification of boxed region in (C). Note the bright Syp–GFP puncta contained within a subset of neurite branches (arrows). (E) Schematic depiction of nsPVIN cell body distribution throughout the SPV layer. Cell traced in black corresponds to neuron in (A) and (B). Note the deep SPV location of cell body. (F) Manual tracing of the neurite arbor in (D). Green lines indicate branches containing Syp–GFP puncta, whereas branches devoid of Syp–GFP labeling are in red. Scale bar, 20 μm in (A–C), 8 μm in (D,F). |