Expression of the neural crest cell marker crestin is impaired in parp3 morphants. Zebrafish embryos were untreated (WT) or injected with 4 ng parp3 MO1 and crestin expression was monitored by in situ hybridization. A. In 16 hpf WT embryos, crestin is expressed in premigratory neural crest cells and in neural crest cells migrating in the anterior trunk segments. B. In 16 hpf parp3 morphants, crestin expression appears to be generally reduced. C. By 24 hpf, crestin-positive cells are distributed along the anterior-posterior axis, in neural crest migratory pathways of WT embryos. D. In 24 hpf parp3 morphants, crestin expression is no longer detectable in the head and is markedly reduced in the trunk. Lateral views of embryos are shown with anterior to the left and dorsal to the top. Scale bars represent 10 μm.