Patterns of cxcr7 expression in the developing PLL. A: expression of claudin [34] reveals the migrating primordium primI and a freshly deposited proneuromast, L2, in a 32 hpf embryo. B: cxcr7 is expressed in the trailing cells of the migrating primordium but not in the leading cells. It is also expressed in proneuromasts L2 and L3 in a 32 hpf embryo, as well as in the trail of interneuromastic cells. C-E: cxcr7 expression has disappeared at 48 hpf, both in the interneuromastic cells and in primary neuromasts. E: cxcr7 is not detectably expressed in the secondary primordium, primII, which is in the process of migrating past L1 at 48 hpf. In all panels the primordium migrates to the right. The dots in D, E outline deposited neuromasts and migrating primordium.