A chemical modifier screen for the body curvature and LR asymmetry phenotypes of zebrafish PKD models. (A–C) Embryos at 30 hpf with heart (red circles) at the Left side (A), Middle (B) and Right side (C) shown in ventral views. (D–F) Embryos with different body curvature phenotype on 5 dpf. (D) shows a wild-type embryo (wt) with straight body. (E) shows a pkd2/hi4166 mutant (pkd2) with dorsally curved body axis. (F) shows an ift172/hi211 mutant embryo (ift172) with ventrally curved body axis and kidney cyst (arrow and Inset). White box: area shown in Inset. (G and H) An example of a compound that affects body curvature. Treatment of 20μMCox-2 inhibitor II changes ventral curvature of ift172/hi2211 mutants and wild-type siblings to dorsal curvature. (G) shows embryos on 3 dpf from ift172/hi2211 heterozygous carriers treated with DMSO on 3 dpf. (H) shows embryos treated with the compound.