Fig. S2
- ID
- ZDB-FIG-091120-8
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- Fauny et al., 2009 - The entire zebrafish blastula-gastrula margin acts as an organizer dependent on the ratio of Nodal to BMP activity
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Organizer activity of the lateral blastula-early gastrula margin. (A-E) Grafts of various parts of the early gastrula margin from a donor labeled with GFP to the animal pole of a host blastula (unlabeled) result in the organization of a partial ectopic secondary axis that contains labeled (fluorescent, green) cells from the donor as well as unlabeled cells that have been recruited from the animal pole of the host. (A) Graft of the ventral margin. (B) Graft of the lateral margin. (C,D) Grafts of the dorso-lateral margin resulting in the formation of posterior head/anterior trunk structures (C) or posterior head (D). (E) Graft of the dorsal margin resulting in the formation of a secondary axial structure (arrowhead, unlabeled notochord cell). Lateral view, anterior to the left, dorsal to the top. Left panels, live embryo; middle panels, fluorescently labeled cells; right panels, merge of live and florescent images. |