Fig. S1
- ID
- ZDB-FIG-090609-16
- Publication
- Skouloudaki et al., 2009 - Scribble participates in Hippo signaling and is required for normal zebrafish pronephros development
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Knockdown of zFat1 and zFat4 promotes cyst formation within the zebrafish pronephros. (A, B) Depletion of zFat1 and zFat4 by MO directed against the translational start site results in pronephric cyst formation and abnormal body curvature. The injected larvae were classified into 3 different groups according to the degree of their dysmorphic changes (d1?d3). Pronephric cysts (Arrowheads) were visualized in the proximal tubules, using a Wt1b::GFP transgenic zebrafish line. (C) The comparison between zFat1 (zFat1 MO) and zFat4 (zFat4 MO) reveals that knockdown of zFat1 causes a higher rate of pronephric cyst formation than zFat4 depletion. (D) The combined knockdown of zFat1 and zFat4, using 0.5 pmol and 1.25 pmol of MO, respectively, did not reveal a significant synergistic effect between both MO when compared with a control MO.(Numbers in parentheses indicate the total number of embryos used in each experiment.) |