Heterozygous fish from the tumor-prone hi258 (rpL35) line are growth-impaired. A: The offspring of an outcross of a hi258 (rpL35) heterozygote, expected to be 50% hi258 heterozygous and 50% wild-type, are widely variable in size at 28 days of age. The fish were housed in a single tank. B: hi258 heterozygotes (HET) are generally smaller than their wild-type siblings (WT). Representative fish from the group depicted in (A) are shown with their weights and genotype. The weights of all fish in (A) are listed in Table S2. C: hi258 heterozygotes were outcrossed to T-AB wild-type fish, and their progeny were housed in the same tank. At selected time points, fish were weighed and genotyped. hi258 heterozygotes are significantly smaller than their wild-type siblings at every age examined. Error bars are ±2 SEM. Scale bars = 5 mm in each image.