Cdx4 has roles in determining β-cell localization, cell number and in regulating β-cell convergence to the midline during early pancreatogenesis. (A) Summary of Fig. 3 data showing average (modal) insulin domain locations for post-16hpf timepoints relative to somite number (shown as numbered boxes). mut, kgg mutants (cdx4-/-); sib, siblings of kgg mutants, including both heterozygotic and wild-type (wt) zebrafish clutchmates. (B) The number of β-cells increases more rapidly in cdx4-/- embryos than in siblings (mean±s.d.). (C) Midline convergence of β-cells is delayed in cdx4-/- embryos. y-axis indicates percentage of embryos in which β-cells have converged to the midline. (D) Summary of Fig. 5 data showing modal insulin and pdx1 domain locations for Cdx1a-MO-injected kgg mutants and siblings. (E) β-cell number increases further in Cdx1a-MO-injected kgg siblings and mutants (mean±s.d.). (F) Midline convergence is further delayed in Cdx1a-MO-injected kgg siblings and mutants. y-axis indicates percentage of embryos in which β-cells have converged to the midline. Note than in E and F, mutant and sibling data from B and C are included for ease of comparison. Sample sizes for A-C were as follows. Wild type (wt): 16hpf, n=38; 19hpf, n=36; 24hpf, n=60; 48hpf, n=17. Siblings (sib): 16hpf, n=38; 19hpf, n=82 for A and C, n=45 for B; 24hpf, n=80 for A and C, n=40 for B; 48hpf, n=33. Mutant (mut): 16hpf, n=23; 19hpf, n=30; 24hpf, n=24; 48hpf, n=23. Sample sizes for D-F were as follows. insulin data, siblings+Cdx1a-MO (sib+MO): 19hpf, n=24; 24hpf, n=16. Mutant+Cdx1a-MO (mut+MO): 19hpf, n=22; 24hpf, n=10. Sample sizes for D were as follows. pdx1 data, wild type: 19hpf, n=22; 24hpf, n=9. Siblings+Cdx1a-MO (sib+MO): 19hpf, n=15; 24hpf, n=17. Mutant+Cdx1a-MO (mut+MO): 19hpf, n=16; 24hpf, n=20.