fgf24 and fgf10 cooperate to specify the ventral pancreatic bud. (A) Overall morphology of fgf10 and fgf10/fgf24 morphants at 3 dpf. Note the absence of pectoral fin buds in both morphants. (B) trypsin (try) expression at 3 dpf in embryos injected with MO control, MO fgf24, MO fgf10 and with a combination of MO fgf10 and MO fgf24. Data are presented as the percentage of embryos displaying normal, reduced, or absent expression of trypsin. (C) Expression analysis reported as in B, as the percentage of embryos expressing ptf1a in the ventral pancreatic bud and the pancreatic LPM marker isl1 in MO-injected embryos at 36 and 50 hpf. FB, pectoral fin bud; n, number of analyzed injected embryos.