Fig. 2
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- ZDB-FIG-070822-36
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- Pei et al., 2007 - Environmental and genetic modifiers of squint penetrance during zebrafish embryogenesis
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Heat shifts induce dysmorphology in Sqt-deficient embryos. (A–D) Overnight heat treatment produces severe dysmorphology in MZsqt embryos. Incubation at 34 °C overnight caused relatively mild defects in WT embryos (A, C) but dramatically increased phenotypic expressivity in MZsqt-/- embryos (B, D). The loss of anterior mesendoderm derivatives and severe cyclopia in the heated MZsqtcz35/cz35 embryo shown in 2B resembles sqt-/-;cyc-/- or sqt-/-;cyc+/- compound mutant phenotypes ([Dougan et al., 2003] and [Feldman et al., 1998]). Partial bifurcations of the midline, as shown in Fig. 2D, were often seen in MZsqt-/- embryos that were heated overnight. (E–F) 1 h heat treatment during the post-MBT blastula stage exclusively induces cyclopia in MZsqt embryos. 1 h heat treatment of WT or MZsqt-/- embryos (E, F), did not produce any novel abnormalities, but did increase the incidence of cyclopia in MZsqt-/- embryos. |
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 308(2), Pei, W., Williams, P.H., Clark, M.D., Stemple, D.L., and Feldman, B., Environmental and genetic modifiers of squint penetrance during zebrafish embryogenesis, 368-378, Copyright (2007) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.