Effects of survivin knock-down on angiogenesis and circulation. (a, b): Confocal microscopy of Tg(fli1:EGFP)y1 embryos either uninjected (a) or injected with SurUTR+ATG morpholinos (b). Noted the aberrant sprouting of the inter-segmental vessels (ISV) (arrowheads), the absence of vertebral arteries (arrows) and the failure to form the dorsal anastomotic vessels (DLAV) in the SurUTR+ATGMO embryos. AC: Axial circulation. Noted that the dorsal aorta and posterior cardinal vein in the axial circulation could not be distinguished based on the resolution provided. (c, d): Fluorescent images in Tg(fli1:EGFP)y1 embryos showing failure to develop the sub-intestinal vessels (SIV) in SurUTR+ATGMO embryos. (e-h): Microangiographic pictures in uninjected (e, g) and SurUTR+ATGMO embryos (f, h) showing defective vasculatures in ISV, DLAV, optical veins (OV) and inner optic circle (IOC). N: Notochord; AC: Axial circulation. (i, j): Whole-mount TUNEL assay in embryos injected with random sequence MO (i) and SurUTR+ATG-MO (j) showing positive staining in the area of developing neural tube and brain (white arrows) as well as at the vicinity of the axial circulation (white arrowheads) in the SurUTR+ATGMO embryos. N: Notochord; Y: Yolk sac extension. Embryos were examined at 48 hpf except (c) & (d) which were examined at 96 hpf. More than 20 embryos have been examined in each experiment.