Fig. 3

Kawaguchi et al., 2007 - Analysis of the exon-intron structures of fish, amphibian, bird and mammalian hatching enzyme genes, with special reference to the intron loss evolution of hatching enzyme genes in Teleostei
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Fig. 3

Whole-mount in situ hybridization: The expression of FgHCE and FgLCE gene during the development of fugu embryos. FgHCE (A?C and E) and FgLCE (D and F) RNA probes were hybridized with 3 somite embryos (A and D), 12?15 somite embryos (B and E) and 22?23 somite embryos (C and F). A?C: views of head regions. Upper, the anterior-most. D?F: lateral views. Right, dorsal. The sections of embryos hybridized with the FgHCE (H?I) and FgLCE probe (G) were made from the 3 somite embryos (G) and 12?15 somite embryos (H and I). G?H: sagittal section, I: transverse section. Scale bars, A?F; 200 μm; G?I; 100 μm. y, yolk; hd, head.

Expression Data

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Antibody Labeling
Phenotype Data

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Reprinted from Gene, 392(1-2), Kawaguchi, M., Yasumasu, S., Hiroi, J., Naruse, K., Suzuki, T., and Iuchi, I., Analysis of the exon-intron structures of fish, amphibian, bird and mammalian hatching enzyme genes, with special reference to the intron loss evolution of hatching enzyme genes in Teleostei, 77-88, Copyright (2007) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Gene