Fig. 7
- ID
- ZDB-FIG-061122-6
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- Rutenberg et al., 2006 - Developmental patterning of the cardiac atrioventricular canal by Notch and Hairy-related transcription factors
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Tbx2 represses Hey1 and Hey2 cell autonomously. (A) Misexpression of Myc-tagged Tbx2 in stage 12 hearts caused a cell-autonomous reduction in the incidence of Hey1- and Hey2-positive cells. Tbx5, by contrast, had no effect. Asterisks indicate statistical significance of the difference between electroporated Tbx2 and the GFP control (P<0.05, χ2 test). (B,C) Histological sections demonstrating the cell-autonomous suppression of endogenous Hey1 (B) and Hey2 (C) by electroporated Tbx2. (D) Flag-tagged mouse Hey1 and mouse Hey2 did not alter Tbx2 expression. Brightfield, merged and fluorescent images are as in Fig. 3. Scale bar: 50 μm. |