Fig. 8
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- ZDB-FIG-050510-8
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- Woods et al., 2005 - The you Gene Encodes an EGF-CUB Protein Essential for Hedgehog Signaling in Zebrafish
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you Acts Non-Autonomously in Muscle Pioneers and Is Not Required in Cells Producing Hedgehog Signals. (A) Donor embryos were labeled at the 1–4-cell stage with Oregon Green dextran. (B) Cells from donor embryos were transplanted into unlabeled hosts during late blastula and early gastrula stages. (C–E) Images from a chimera made by transplanting cells from labeled mutant donors (green in C and E) into unlabeled wild-type hosts. At 24 hpf, muscle pioneer cells in chimeric embryos were labeled with anti-Engrailed antibody (red in D and E). When transplanted into wild-type embryos, mutant cells were able to differentiate as muscle pioneers, as shown by co-labeling with the anti-Engrailed antibody (E, yellow arrows). (F–K) Images from chimeras made by transplanting cells from labeled wild-type donors (green in F, H, I, and K) into unlabeled mutant hosts. Expression of Engrailed (red in G, H, J, and K) in some mutant muscle pioneers (one marked by red arrows in G, H, J, and K) was rescued in a subset of embryos (see also Table 1). Donor cells in the embryo shown in (F–H) contributed solely to muscle and to non-floor-plate identities within the neural tube. Moreover, in a subset of chimeras, cells derived from wild-type donors differentiated as muscle pioneer cells (yellow arrows in J and K), simultaneously showing both the characteristic strong nuclear Engrailed expression and the typical flattened and mononucleate morphology of this cell type. The somite labeled with the arrows in J and K contains two muscle pioneers, one derived from the wild-type donor (yellow arrow) and another derived from the mutant host (red arrow). Donor cells in the embryo shown in (I–K) contributed primarily to muscle and to non-floor-plate identities within the neural tube; in addition, a group of seven floor plate cells derived from the wild-type donor was present in the tail of this embryo (not shown). |