Fig. 6

Wright et al., 2004 - Delta proteins and MAGI proteins: an interaction of Notch ligands with intracellular scaffolding molecules and its significance for zebrafish development
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Fig. 6

Disruption of the DeltaD-MAGI interaction causes mislocalization of Rohon-Beard neurons. (A-D) Dorsal views of embryos at 16 hpf stained by in situ hybridization for islet1 (black) to mark Rohon-Beard neurons (as well as other primary neurons below the plane of focus). myoD (brown) expression serves as a reference for somite number and position. aei embryos (C,D) show a 1.6-fold increase in the number of Rohon-Beard cells compared to wild-type embryos (A), whereas the number of these cells is only slightly increased in wild-type embryos injected with MO[dlD-V] (B). The MO[dlD-V] embryos are abnormal, however, in that many of the Rohon-Beard cells stray into the midline region. The proportion of such mislocalized cells is not affected by the morpholino in aei embryos, where DeltaD is missing (C,D). (E,F) Cell counts. The distribution of the neurons was quantified for a region corresponding approximately to somites 5 to 10; 10-13 embryos were analysed for each condition. Error bars represent s.e.m. Scale bar: 50 μm for A-D

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