
Characteristics of Shisa Family Genes in Zebrafish

Liu, Y., Du, N., Qian, B., Zou, C., Yu, Z., Xu, F., Wang, L., Qin, S., You, F., Tan, X.
Full text @ Int. J. Mol. Sci.

Phylogenetic tree of SHISA proteins. The phylogenetic tree was constructed via MEGA7.0 [18] using the Maximum likelihood method with 1000 bootstrap replicates. The GeneBank accession numbers for these genes are listed in Table 1. Notes: Confidence values higher than 70 are indicated in the tree.

Domain architecture of zebrafish Shisa proteins.

Sequence alignment of zebrafish Shisa proteins. A typical conserved domain (“C * C * CC * C * CC * C”, shaded yellow) of shisa protein and TM domain was observed. The number in sequence represents the amino acid number between two amino acids. The predicted transmembrane region is framed with a blue border (predicted by DNAMAN). Prolines and glycines are shown in red letters. The noncharged residues at the main hydrophobic residue positions are colored blue. The predicted cysteine residues within and after the transmembrane segment are marked in gray. PY motif ([LP]P×Y) are marked in green [4]. C-terminal PDZ-binding motifs([TSVYF]×[VIL]) are marked in pink [4]. PY-like motif, ‘’; C-terminal PDZ-binding-like motif, ‘’. GRID domain [12] is shown in green letters.

Chromosomal location of zebrafish shisa family genes.

Synteny analysis of shisa-2 neighboring genes in different species that share the same ancestral species.

Temporal expression patterns of zebrafish shisa genes during embryonic development. B, blank. PC, positive control. M, marker.

Expression pattern of zebrafish shisa-2 during early embryonic development. Shisa-2 transcript was detected in He (Head region), So (Somite), Ov (Optic vesicles), Pm (Pre-somatic mesoderm), Pr (pronephros), and Ga (Gill arch). (A,B), 11 hpf. (C), 16 hpf. (D,E), 20 hpf. (A), Head to Top. Dorsal View. (B,E). Dorsum to Top. Front View. (C), Head to left. Dorsal View. (D), Head to left, side view. Bar, 50 μm.

Phenotype of zebrafish embryos (48 hpf) after shisa-2 knockdown. Bar: 200 μm, Magnification: 4×.

Expression of mesp-ab in embryos injected with Cas13d mRNA +gRNA, Cas13d mRNA, and no-injected embryos (wild type). Black arrows represent the mesp-ab signal. Red arrows indicate the space between the left and right stripes of mesp-ab. Head to top, dorsal view. Bar, 100 μm.

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