- Title
Both prokaryotes and eukaryotes produce an immune response against plasmids with 5'-GTTTGTT-3'
- Authors
- Li, N., Jiang, D., He, L., Yue, Y., Zhang, Q., Wang, S., Zhang, Y., Wei, Y., Zhao, Q.
- Source
- Full text @ Cell Biosci.
Expression of the zygotic gene, isg15, in zebrafish embryos after invasion by the plasmid, pEGFP-N1. A Heatmap to show normalized expression count differences of immune related genes from transcriptome sequencing at 6 hpf after injection of the foreign plasmid, pEGFP-N1, into 1-cell stage embryos. B Expression levels of six genes related to the apoptosis pathway, endogenous immune response and tumor necrosis factor-mediated pathway are up-regulated. C Up-regulation of isg15 expression in 6 hpf zebrafish embryos by qRT-PCR. D Expression of isg15 in 8-cell stage and High stage embryos after plasmid injection compared with controls. 8 pg, 32 pg, 128 pg: the injected amount of plasmid pEGFP-N1. NC: un-injected zebrafish embryos |
Plasmid pEGFP-N1 has core sequences regulating the expression of isg15. A BLASTN alignment of pEGFP-N1 plasmid and isg15 gene sequences (including 2 kbp promoter upstream of TSS) with Kablammo (http://kablammo.wasmuthlab.org/). B Comparison of c-ori, c-CMV and c-HSV (DNAMAN) sequences showing a common 7 bp element, 5ʹ-GTTTGTT-3ʹ. C qRT-PCR results showing that the three mutated fragments of c-ori, c-CMV and c-HSV have weakened activation of isg15 expression in 3 hpf embryos compared with the unmutated fragments. D Responses of HEK 293T cells to transfection with the three DNA fragments and their corresponding mutated sequences. Cells’ responses were significantly weakened after the three sequence mutations. E, F Semi-quantitative PCR and qRT-PCR results showing that the methylation level of H3K4me3 in the isg15 promoter region was significantly increased. MW: DL5000 DNA Molecular Weight Marker |
The pEGFP-N1 backbone has sequences that can regulate the expression of isg15. A qRT-PCR results showing that pEGFP-N1, pCMV-VSV-G and pLVX-IRES-ZsGreen1 activate the expression of isg15 in 3 hpf embryos. B Mutation of core plasmid sequences reduces isg15 expression. C qRT-PCR results showing that mutation of core sequences of ori, CMV and HSV in pEGFP-N1 reduces activation of isg15 expression. D Mutation of the core sequence of pCMV-VSV-G and pLVX-IRES-ZsGreen1 weakens responses of HEK 293 T cells. E, F Semi-quantitative PCR and qRT-PCR results showing that the methylation level of H3K4me3 in the isg15 promoter region was significantly increased. MW: DL5000 DNA Molecular Weight Marker |
Macrophages recognize the core sequence to allow swallowing and digestion of invading plasmids. A Microinjection of plasmids into the central artery of zebrafish embryos. B qRT-PCR results showing reduced expression of isg15 12 h-post-injection when the core sequences in pEGFP-N1 are mutated. C, D Q-PCR results indicating that pEGFP-N1 was digested more rapidly than all mutant forms of pEGFP-N1. E Confocal scanning image showing macrophages swallowing free DNA fragments in zebrafish |
Core sequences protect prokaryotic cells from plasmid infection and mutation of the core sequences increases plasmid transformation efficiency. Transformation efficiencies of different mutant forms of pEGFP-N1 in E. coli DH5α (A), E. coli BL21 (B), and E. coli FastT1 (C). Transformation efficiencies of different mutant forms of pXT7-myh9a in E. coli DH5α (D) and E. coli FastT1 (E). F Transformation efficiencies of different sized forms of pXT7-myh9a with mutant core sequence in ori. When the core sequence in ori is mutated, the number of clones is reduced for the small size pXT7-myh9a but increased for the large plasmid. Sanger sequencing results showing that the ori sequence of pEGFP-N1 favors survival compared with the 5ʹ-GTTTGTT-3ʹ sequence (G), but the ori sequence of pXT7 my17 confers no survival advantage (H) |