- Title
Evolutionary context can clarify gene names: Teleosts as a case study
- Authors
- Gasanov, E.V., Jędrychowska, J., Kuźnicki, J., Korzh, V.
- Source
- Full text @ Bioessays
Renaming of duplicated tbx2a and tbx2b genes reciprocally revealed by synteny analysis. A comparison of the tbx2 gene neighboring region in different organisms represents much higher correspondence of the zebrafish (D. rerio) tbx2b gene surroundings to other vertebrates compared with tbx2a gene surroundings. Gene naming in teleosts uses the zebrafish genome as a reference. Synteny analysis suggests a need to revise this practice by referring to the non-teleost fish genome (L. oculatus) that did not undergo teleost-specific gene duplication |
Diagram of the data analysis workflow. Human, zebrafish, and spotted gar whole-genome databases were used for the analysis. All zebrafish and spotted gar genes that follow the NameNumberX pattern, where X = a, b, aa, bb, etc., were identified as duplicated genes. In this fraction, we identified single genes with wrong names and truly duplicated genes. For truly duplicated genes, we applied automatic whole-genome synteny analysis, which generated a list of genes with correct and incorrect names |
Two examples of gene renaming, suggested by synteny analysis of the zebrafish (D. rerio) and spotted gar (L. oculatus) genomic regions. A comparison of the gpa33 (A) and fat1 (B) gene neighboring regions in D. rerio and L. oculatus represents much higher correspondence of the “b” gene surroundings to the L. oculatus genes compared with the “a” paralog gene loci. (A) gpa33a and gpa33b should be renamed reciprocally. (B) fat1a and fat1b should be renamed reciprocally along with the renaming of spotted gar fat1a to fat1 |