- Title
Dynamic expression analysis of armc10, the homologous gene of human GPRASP2, in zebrafish embryos
- Authors
- Liu, C., Lin, C., Yao, J., Wei, Q., Xing, G., Cao, X.
- Source
- Full text @ Mol. Med. Rep.
Amino acid sequence alignment of armc10 from several species. Sequences were aligned using ClustalX2. The armadillo domains are indicated by underlining. Conserved residues are shown in black (100% conservation), dark grey (80% conservation) and light grey (60% conservation). An absence of shading denotes residues with 60% conservation. armc10, armadillo repeat containing 10. |
Analysis of conservative structure of protein functional domains. The ARM superfamily was present in the zebrafish Armc10 and Homo ARMCX3 sequences. Armc10, armadillo repeat-containing 10; ARMCX3, armadillo repeat-containing X-linked protein 3. |
Phylogenetic tree of the zebrafish ARMC10 amino acid sequence with other species. A phylogenetic tree was constructed using the neighbor-joining method with Mega 6.0. Species belonging to same class were labeled in the same color: Pink, mammalia; violet, actinopterygii; green, reptilian; blue, aves; brown, amphibia. The ARMC10 sequences were retrieved from the GenBank database. ARMC10, armadillo repeat containing 10. |
Amino acid sequence alignment of human GPRASP2 and other proteins. (A) Human GPRASP2 with human ARMCX3; (B) human ARMCX3 with zebrafish armc10; (C) human GPRASP2 with zebrafish Armc10. The same amino acids are marked in yellow. GPRASP2; G protein-coupled receptor-associated sorting protein 2; ARMCX3, armadillo repeat-containing X-linked protein 3; Armc10, armadillo repeat-containing 10. |
Temporal expression of zebrafish armc10. Temporal expression of zebrafish armc10 was analyzed using reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction analysis. Zebrafish armc10 was first detected at the two-cell stage and persisted throughout development. ?-actin was used as a control. armc10, armadillo repeat-containing 10. EXPRESSION / LABELING:
Expression of armc10 during early embryonic development of zebrafish. Dorsal views at (A) cleavage stage (two-cell), (B) 75% epiboly, (C) 12 hpf, (D) 24 hpf, (E) 48 hpf. Views at (F) 72 hpf (left, lateral view; right, dorsal view) and (G) 96 hpf (left, lateral view; right, dorsal view). armc10, armadillo repeat-containing 10. |