- Title
Immunotoxicity of β-Diketone Antibiotic Mixtures to Zebrafish (Danio rerio) by Transcriptome Analysis
- Authors
- Li, F., Wang, H., Liu, J., Lin, J., Zeng, A., Ai, W., Wang, X., Dahlgren, R.A., Wang, H.
- Source
- Full text @ PLoS One
HE dyeing of intestine and spleen. Note: A-D, Intestinal 200×; E-H, Intestinal 400×; I-L, Spleen 200×; M-P, Spleen 400×. CEC: columnar epithelial cells; GC: goblet cells; MG: metachromatic granules. |
TEM images of zebrafish intestine, spleen and gill tissues. Note: A-D, Columnar epithelial cells; E-H, Mast cell; I-L, Intestinal epithelial cell; M-P, Mitochondrial; Q-T, the dendritic cells in spleen; U-X, cells in gill. N: nuclear; m: mitochondria; MC: mast cells; RBC: red blood cell; PC: pillar cell; PVC: flat epithelial cell; C: cytoplasm. |