- Title
In-vivo detection of binary PKA network interactions upon activation of endogenous GPCRs
- Authors
- Röck, R., Bachmann, V., Bhang, H.E., Malleshaiah, M., Raffeiner, P., Mayrhofer, J.E., Tschaikner, P.M., Bister, K., Aanstad, P., Pomper, M.G., Michnick, S.W., Stefan, E.
- Source
- Full text @ Sci. Rep.
Benchmarking of PKA reporter dynamics in zebrafish embryos. (A) Illustration of developmental stages of fertilized zebrafish embryos with specification of elapsed hours post fertilization (hpf). Morphological analyses of reporter construct injection at 24 hpf. (B) Normalized quantification of PPI of RIIb-F[1]:PKAc-F[2] 3 hpf, 6 hpf and 9.5 hpf (zebrafish embryos; representative experiment). (C) Impact of time-dependent forskolin (50 µM) and isoproterenol (10 µM) exposure of de-chorionated zebrafish embryos on complex formation of overexpressed Rluc PCA based PKA reporter at the 8 hpf stage (representative of n = 3; SEM from independent measurements). |