- Title
A novel Acetyl-CoA synthetase short-chain subfamily member 1 (Acss1) gene indicates a dynamic history of paralogue retention and loss in vertebrates
- Authors
- Castro, L.F., Lopes-Marques, M., Wilson, J.M., Rocha, E., Reis-Henriques, M.A., Santos, M.M., and Cunha, I.
- Source
- Full text @ Gene
A—Heat map of the transcription of HsACSS1 in specified tissues represented in log2 of EST counts by color coding, green (low) yellow (medium) red (high) and white indicates no data available. B—gene transcription of Acss1A in D. rerio. C—gene transcription of Acss1A and Acss1B in G. aculeatus. Pnc—pancreas, Ms—muscle, Lg—lung, Ey—Eye, Bl—blood, Br—brain, Gl—gill, Int—intestine, Lv—liver, K—kidney, Sp—spleen, Ov—ovary, T—testis, Ht—heart, TK—trunk kidney, HK—head kidney, HG—hind gut, FG foregut, NTC-negative control and Mw-molecular weight marker. |
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Reprinted from Gene, 497(2), Castro, L.F., Lopes-Marques, M., Wilson, J.M., Rocha, E., Reis-Henriques, M.A., Santos, M.M., and Cunha, I., A novel Acetyl-CoA synthetase short-chain subfamily member 1 (Acss1) gene indicates a dynamic history of paralogue retention and loss in vertebrates, 249-255, Copyright (2012) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Gene