Martinez-Morales Lab
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Statement of Research Interest
Bogdanovic; O, Delfino-Mach’n M, Nicol‡s-PŽrez M, Gavil‡n MP, Gago-Rodrigues I, Fern‡ndez-Mi–‡n A, Lillo C, R’os RM, Wittbrodt J, Mart’nez-Morales JR (2012) Numb/Numbl-Opo antagonism controls retinal epithelium morphogenesis by regulating integrin endocytosis. Developmental Cell. 23 (4)
C Brenan*, R Dosch*, AP Haramis*, T Lukenbach*, JR Martinez-Morales*, E Moro*, B Polok*, TM Ramesh*, C Russell*, F Argenton and U StrŠhle (2010) Report of the 1. European Zebrafish Principal Investigator Meeting in Padua, Italy, Zebrafish. 18.-22.03.2010. Review * Equally contributing
JR Martinez-Morales, J Wittbrodt (2009). Shaping the vertebrate eye. Current Opinion in Genetics & Development. 19(5):511-517. Review * Co-corresponding authors
F Mertes, JR Martinez-Morales, T Nolden, R Spšrle, J Wittbrodt, H Lehrach, H Himmelbauer (2009) Cloning of mouse ojoplano, a reticular cytoplasmic protein expressed during embryonic development. Gene Expression Patterns. 9(8):562-7
JR Martinez-Morales*#, M. Souren#, P. Makri, B. Wittbrodt and J. Wittbrodt*. (2009) A global survey identifies novel upstream components of the Ath5 neurogenic network. Genome Biology. 10(9): R92 * Co-corresponding authors, equally contributing.
JR Martinez-Morales*, M. Rembold, K. Greger, JC Sipmson, KE Brown, R Quiring, MD Martin-Bermudo, H. Himmelbauer, R. Pepperkok and J. Wittbrodt*. (2009) Ojoplano-mediated basal constriction is essential for optic cup morphogenesis. Development. 136 * Co-corresponding authors.
JR Martinez-Morales*, T. Henrich, M. Ramialison and J. Wittbrodt*. (2007) New genes in the evolution of the neural crest differentiation program. Genome Biology 8:R36 * Co-corresponding authors.
J. Morcillo, JR Mart’nez-Morales, F. Trousse, J. Swoden and P. Bovolenta (2006) Bmp7 and Shh are sequentially required for patterning the optic disk. Development 133:3179-90
JR Martinez-Morales*, F Del Bene*, G Nica, M Hammerschmidt, P Bovolenta, J Wittbrodt (2005) Differentiation of the vertebrate retina is coordinated by an FGF signaling center. Developmental Cell. 8: 565-574 * Equally contributing
C Brenan*, R Dosch*, AP Haramis*, T Lukenbach*, JR Martinez-Morales*, E Moro*, B Polok*, TM Ramesh*, C Russell*, F Argenton and U StrŠhle (2010) Report of the 1. European Zebrafish Principal Investigator Meeting in Padua, Italy, Zebrafish. 18.-22.03.2010. Review * Equally contributing
JR Martinez-Morales, J Wittbrodt (2009). Shaping the vertebrate eye. Current Opinion in Genetics & Development. 19(5):511-517. Review * Co-corresponding authors
F Mertes, JR Martinez-Morales, T Nolden, R Spšrle, J Wittbrodt, H Lehrach, H Himmelbauer (2009) Cloning of mouse ojoplano, a reticular cytoplasmic protein expressed during embryonic development. Gene Expression Patterns. 9(8):562-7
JR Martinez-Morales*#, M. Souren#, P. Makri, B. Wittbrodt and J. Wittbrodt*. (2009) A global survey identifies novel upstream components of the Ath5 neurogenic network. Genome Biology. 10(9): R92 * Co-corresponding authors, equally contributing.
JR Martinez-Morales*, M. Rembold, K. Greger, JC Sipmson, KE Brown, R Quiring, MD Martin-Bermudo, H. Himmelbauer, R. Pepperkok and J. Wittbrodt*. (2009) Ojoplano-mediated basal constriction is essential for optic cup morphogenesis. Development. 136 * Co-corresponding authors.
JR Martinez-Morales*, T. Henrich, M. Ramialison and J. Wittbrodt*. (2007) New genes in the evolution of the neural crest differentiation program. Genome Biology 8:R36 * Co-corresponding authors.
J. Morcillo, JR Mart’nez-Morales, F. Trousse, J. Swoden and P. Bovolenta (2006) Bmp7 and Shh are sequentially required for patterning the optic disk. Development 133:3179-90
JR Martinez-Morales*, F Del Bene*, G Nica, M Hammerschmidt, P Bovolenta, J Wittbrodt (2005) Differentiation of the vertebrate retina is coordinated by an FGF signaling center. Developmental Cell. 8: 565-574 * Equally contributing
Lab Members