Phenotype: whole organism lacks parts or has fewer parts of type primitive pectoral fin abductor, abnormal
Note: This statement combines anatomy and/or ontology terms with phenotype quality terms to create a complete phenotype (EQ) statement. For detailed information on individual terms, click the hyperlinked term name.
Name: whole organism
Synonyms: multi-cellular organism
Definition: Anatomical structure that is an individual member of Danio rerio.
Ontology: Anatomy Ontology [ZFA:0001094]
Name: lacks parts or has fewer parts of type
Synonyms: loss of
Definition: The bearer of this quality has_part < n of the indicated entity type, where n is the normal amount for a comparable organism. Note that the bearer of the quality is the whole, not the part. Formally: If a bearer entity e has fewer parts of type X at time t, then the number of instances x of X at t such that x part_of e is < n, where n is either the normal number for comparable entities, or n is stated explicitly. This case includes the limit case, where the bearer lacks all parts of the specified type.
Ontology: Phenotypic Quality Ontology [PATO:0001999]
Name: primitive pectoral fin abductor
Definition: Abductor that originates at the cleithrum the muscle fibers run in sheets along the endoskeletal disk extending dorsally and caudally from its base. Distally, the muscles insert onto the fin membrane.
Ontology: Anatomy Ontology [ZFA:0005651]